All Tomacork Baptisms, A-C These files are big, but they have
All Tomacork Baptisms, D-G been the root of my Research in the
All Tomacork Baptisms, H-K Carnew area. They cover ALL recorded baptisms
All Tomacork Baptisms, L-O within the entire Tomacork Parish between
All Tomacork Baptisms, P-Z 1832-1910, with some earlier baptisms too.
Baptism’s of Kenny’s from the Tomacork, Co. Wicklow parish 1832-1910 Large- Let it load
1901-1911 Irish census, complete
Nineteenth Century, Kilcavan, by Joseph Kenny, (A Kilcavan/Kennystown Historian)
1824 Tithes for Hillbrook, Kilcavan, Kennystown, and Parkmore
Griffiths Land Valuation This was given to me by Kevin Lee (A Carnew Historian)
Irish_Research/Bassett’s Wexford.pdf Large- Let it load
Cemeteries near Motabower, outside Carnew (Compiled by Anne Burguess)
Craanford Kenny Baptism Record 1871-1907
Craanford Kenny Marriage Record 1873-1912
Fitzwilliam Ledgers from Dublin’s National Library
Immigrants and which ships they left the Fitzwilliam Estates on
Other Kenny names in the area around Carnew
Kenny’s of Tomacork Parish, County Wicklow
Kennystown , How many house and the population in a given year
Inhabitants of Kennystown in various years
Passengers on the Ship Glenlyon that carried my 3rd Great Grandparents from Wexford
Inhabitants of Kilcavan in the 1839 census
A Story of Emigration: Anne Burgess compiled a complete list of manyemigrants from the Carnew area
Carnew Rentals of 1746 from Lord Fitzwilliam’s files, compiled by Kevin Lee (A Carnew Historian)
1798 Claims list to Lord Fitzwilliam for damages from the Revolution, compiled by Kevin Lee (A Carnew Historian)
Carnew Professions in 1839 , compiled by Kevin Lee (A Carnew Historian)
Carnew Vestry Minutes 1819, compiled by Kevin Lee (A Carnew Historian)
Carnew, The Story of a Wicklow Border Town, written by Kevin Lee (A Carnew Historian)
Carnew Census of 1730, compiled by Kevin Lee (A Carnew Historian)
Carnew Rebellion of 1641 This was given to me by Kevin Lee (A Carnew Historian)
A Letter about a homeless woman and child, reported to Lord Fitzwilliam. This was given to me by Kevin Lee (A Carnew Historian)
Tomacork Parish. This was given to me by Kevin Lee (A Carnew Historian)
Carnew, a market and post town and parish
Surplus People. Lord F