- Maps
- All Tomacork Baptisms, A-C These files are big, but they have
- All Tomacork Baptisms, D-G been the root of my Research in the
- All Tomacork Baptisms, H-K Carnew area. They cover ALL recorded baptisms
- All Tomacork Baptisms, L-O within the entire Tomacork Parish between
- All Tomacork Baptisms, P-Z 1832-1910, with some earlier baptisms too.
- Baptism’s of Kenny’s from the Tomacork, Co. Wicklow parish 1832-1910 Large- Let it load
- 1901-1911 Irish census, complete
- Nineteenth Century, Kilcavan, by Joseph Kenny, (A Kilcavan/Kennystown Historian)
- 1824 Tithes for Hillbrook, Kilcavan, Kennystown, and Parkmore
- 1827 Kennystown tithes
- Griffiths Land Valuation This was given to me by Kevin Lee (A Carnew Historian)
- Irish_Research/Bassett’s Wexford.pdf Large- Let it load
- Cemeteries near Motabower, outside Carnew (Compiled by Anne Burguess)
- Craanford Kenny Baptism Record 1871-1907
- Craanford Kenny Marriage Record 1873-1912
- Fitzwilliam Ledgers from Dublin’s National Library
- Immigrants and which ships they left the Fitzwilliam Estates on
- Other Kenny names in the area around Carnew
- Kenny’s of Tomacork Parish, County Wicklow
- Kennystown , How many house and the population in a given year
- Inhabitants of Kennystown in various years
- Passengers on the Ship Glenlyon that carried my 3rd Great Grandparents from Wexford
- Inhabitants of Kilcavan in the 1839 census
- A Story of Emigration: Anne Burgess compiled a complete list of manyemigrants from the Carnew area
- Carnew Rentals of 1746 from Lord Fitzwilliam’s files, compiled by Kevin Lee (A Carnew Historian)
- 1798 Claims list to Lord Fitzwilliam for damages from the Revolution, compiled by Kevin Lee (A Carnew Historian)
- Carnew Professions in 1839 , compiled by Kevin Lee (A Carnew Historian)
- Carnew Vestry Minutes 1819, compiled by Kevin Lee (A Carnew Historian)
- Carnew, The Story of a Wicklow Border Town, written by Kevin Lee (A Carnew Historian)
- Carnew Census of 1730, compiled by Kevin Lee (A Carnew Historian)
- Carnew Rebellion of 1641 This was given to me by Kevin Lee (A Carnew Historian)
- A Letter about a homeless woman and child, reported to Lord Fitzwilliam. This was given to me by Kevin Lee (A Carnew Historian)
- Tomacork Parish. This was given to me by Kevin Lee (A Carnew Historian)
- Carnew, a market and post town and parish
- John O’Neil’s Reports
- Surplus People Book by Jim Rees
- Jim Rees lecture #86 Assisted Emigration from Fitzwilliam Estate 1847-1856